Shooting is a perishable skill, if it isn’t trained it goes away. No one can walk into a range and just be the best shooter there. It takes time, practice and hard work. There are many factors that make up a good shooter. One thing that is always constant is consistent training. Not just any training but correct and purposeful training.
We can help you there. Whether your new to shooting and have no clue or if you have been shooting for a long time and are looking for something new. If you are new we offer private lessons in the function and proper manipulation of a firearm. This would also include proper cleaning and maintenance. For someone who has been shooting for a while we offer our drawing from a holster class. We have even gotten permission for some of our students (after they have been trained enough and vetted by Bridgeport Shooting Range) to draw from a holster by themselves.
The ultimate goal here is to be properly trained. For most people that shouldn’t stop after you have taken your NRA Basic Pistol Class. Becoming familiar with your firearm, safe with your firearm and accurate with your firearm are important hurdles to clear before you carry in public. Frankly, if you aren’t any of those you shouldn’t carry your firearm in public. You would be a danger to yourself and to others.
The solution to all of this is to get follow on training with us, to include private lessons. We can get you to the point where you are competent enough to carry that firearm in public to protect yourself and others.
Take a private lesson with us today!